The damage that is severe in this case happened over several years. The patient started to become concerned that he would loose his teeth. He knew that he was grinding during the night as well as during the day. Chewing was becoming difficult and he knew his smile did not look the same. After discussing his grinding habit, porcelain crowns were choosen to restore the teeth. Since the teeth had severe wear, very little tooth reduction was needed to place the crowns. The back teeth were built back up so that chewing was not a problem. He can smile with confidence again knowing that his teeth are protected and that he is wearing a guard to stop his grinding habit and protect his smile.
Damage from Grinding Corrected with Crowns
Procedure Details
The teeth can be damaged by grinding and clenching, also known as bruxism. The patient was concerned not only with how the teeth looked, he was concerned with losing his teeth. Strong porcelain crowns were choosen to restore the teeth and build them back up so they would function properly. The grinding was also addressed with a splint device that protects the teeth and helps to stop the grinding habit.