From a fractured tooth to a final implant

Fracture to Implant and Crown


After Extraction

Fracture to Implant and Crown


After Implant

Fracture to Implant and Crown

After Crown

After Final

A patient fractured a tooth, which could not be saved. The tooth was removed (extraction) and an implant was placed at the same visit. A healing cap was placed and 12 weeks later impressions were taken for a final crown. At Martin Dentistry in Indianapolis, your doctors will take time to explain your implant options.

Immediate Implant Placement

An implant was placed the same day as the extraction.  The bone was very stable so an implant was chosen over a bridge, which would have connected the adjacent teeth.  The time needed to complete the treatment was reduced by utilizing immediate treatment. Normally after extraction the area may have to heal for 4-6 months before placing an implant.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.